速報APP / 教育 / LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖1)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu'sApp is step closer in the direction of welfare and maintaining the communication link between the school and the parents of the student to maintain a healthy relationship with the both and keeping in view the need of innovation in education. The application is so designed to keep the record and information for the parents from day to day basis . The application is suitable for all students.

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖2)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖3)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖4)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖5)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖6)-速報App

LBS Sr. Sec. School, Chomu(圖7)-速報App